Yay, so happy. I'm gonna be posting again! Thank God for the early vacation. Well, it's quite late but I wanna post because I found out about something shocking and I wanna share it here.
As I was looking for my list of urls of people I wanted to add as friends in friendster (notepad), i accidentally clicked a file entitled "Facts on Purefoods." I saved this file about 3 or 4 months ago when I copied it from cw4pf.org but haven't read it thoroughly yet. So, I read it this evening and found out about something shocking..
Do you guys know about the movie "The Greenmile" starring Tom Hanks? I had my worst nightmare because of that movie. I first watched it with my parents and after the movie, I had my first taste of sleeping at 3 am. I couldn't sleep that night because I was so scared of the movie and because of goosebumps. I was able to sleep at 3 am yet woke up again because of a nightmare about the movie. I was still in gradeschool then.
What's the connection, you might ask. Well, the big connection and the BN of tonight is actually that Jondan and I are simply opposites! I just found out that his favorite movie is The Greenmile. Yah, thanks to that saved file. Gosh. How painful...
Ouch. Oh well, some things are not meant to be. xD Stay updated for another post on Hanna's Believe it or Not. I do hope that the next one wouldn't be personal like this one. :))
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